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Paris France

Date Added: May 31, 2009 08:44:45 PM
Author: france

Paris France Eiffel Tower paris is the first choice for tourist who visit Paris on their Paris trip. Paris hotels offer cheap accommodation to visitors as their is a lot of competition. You can bargain a lot if you go there in low tourist season. Paris France hotels also offers all sort of facilites and you can almost find all chain hotels in Paris too. On streets there are Paris restaurants some of them have tables on the streets so you can enjoy the public, the views and enjoy food at the same time.

Eiffel tower have two levels . For going on top of Eiffel tower there are two options as their are two levels. For going to the toppest level its more expensive. The prices keeps on changing so we cannot guide you what it would be when you will arrive there. You can ask your travel agent for finding Paris Vacations tour. Paris Charles de Gaulle is a very busy airport and is a HUB of Airfrance. Paris is situated on the river Seine and is situated in Northern France. Paris gets about 50 million tourists from all across the world . Most of toursits are from Foreign countries. You can further study about Paris for more details. There are also a lot of parks and gardens around the paris city. Another option if you are short of time is to take tourist buses . This bus will offers tours of different types. They will you some major attractions in shortest possible time. If you are visiting with family and have kids then this can be a very good option. Paris france is a old city so building there are also quite old and you will be really amazed by thickness of walls of buildings and casteles. There are all sort of fancy art work of that era on the walls of buildings. So Paris travel is a must for you.

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